The process of building Fibromyalgia awareness is ongoing. Every time we say "I have Fibromyalgia" and follow that with an explanation, we are building awareness.
In this section, you will find a listing of upcoming awareness events (zoom and in-person) such as support group meetings, patient education workshops/seminars/conferences, professional CME OR CLE conferences, health fairs, etc..
If you would like your event listed, drop an email to The Fibro Diva Report at
Include the following:
The name of your organization,
Organization's status (is the organization a 501 (c) (3)?),
Type of event,
Name of event,
Whether or not there will be speakers (if yes, give names, qualifications, and their topic).
Date and time of the event,
Location of event,
Whether or not there is a fee or if the event is free,
Name of the contact person,
Contact email and/or phone number,
Registration information,
Organization's website or blog,
Click on a photo below to learn more.
Find out what FM advocates are doing behind the scenes here.
Learn how to be your own best advocate here.