Wow, I can't believe it's been 4 weeks post-op and 3 weeks since my last post. I've been distracting myself from the pain of hip replacement surgery, Fibromyalgia, gastroparesis and physical therapy by teaching myself finger crochet and Louisian Kouri-Vini.
It's been going pretty well on all fronts. My post-op pain has been hovering between a 2 to 3 while my Fibro pain has been swinging from a 3 to 5. The biggest problems I've been experiencing are stiffness, numbness over the incision, and deteriorating posture (I'm finding it hard to stand up straight). I transitioned from home physical therapy to facility PT on my birthday. PT has gotten more intense.
I finally finished my comfy, chunky throw but being a perfectionist, I'm not happy with it. One side is very stretchy and is getting longer and longer. The other side is very constricted and is holding its shape. I'm trying to resist the urge to take it apart and redo it, but knowing me, I'm going to take it apart soon.
Prior to surgery, I had been studying my mother's native language, Louisiana Kouri-Vini. She did not teach this unique language to me or my siblings as we were growing up, but I do remember listening to her, my grandmother and aunts speaking it when they thought no one was around listening. Often when mom was angry at daddy, she would start speaking it but sometimes I thought she was just counting or reciting the alphabet instead of saying "bad words". No matter, it was funny watching daddy ponder "what she is saying now". Any who, 2021 was a rough year, my younger brother died, and my hip problem intensified to the point that I could not walk so I slacked off on my Louisiana Kouri-Vini practice. I picked it back up to help as a distraction after surgery. Here's a practice dialogue I wrote below. I have to reconnect with my mentor to check the grammatical structure but here we go ...
Bonjour, mô nom çé Sabrina. Mo gin Fibromyalgia avèk mal-lahansh.
Vin-vint-é-ènn té un térib lanné . Mô jènn frær li mourí kat mwa pasé.
Mo swété vin-vin-dé pas un bon lanné . Mô fèt té Sèt-la févriyé. Mo gin swasant- sink zan.
Mo sen pa mò tro byin. Mô lahansh fé mal, mé, mo gin remplasé lahansh pou mô fèt.
Hello, my name is Sabrina. I have Fibromyalgia and a bad hip.
2021 was a bad year. My younger brother died four months ago.
I hope 2022 will be a good year. My birthday was the 07th of February. I am 65 years old.
I don’t feel too good. My hip hurts, but I had hip replacement for my birthday