Basically, the 50/50 Principle and the Envelope Theory advise people with Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and/or other chronic illnesses, to pace their activities by estimating what one can perform each day and then doing less.
•The 50/50 Principle [AKA The 50 Percent Solution], advises, that people with Fibro and CFS assess what you think you can accomplish each day and then only do 50% of that. So utilizing the 50/50 Principle, when I wake up in the morning I would assess how I feel. "Hmm, I'm feeling pretty good today, my pain and energy are at my baseline of 5." Then I would make a list of everything I think I can accomplish. For me, at my pain and energy baseline, that means I can accomplish 12 chores. After making my list, that's one of the things, yes writing out a To Do list takes energy and produces pain in my hands, fingers, and wrists. Heck typing this article has taken me a week. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Once I have my list complete, then I will cross off half of the To Do items for another day. Of course, I don't have to actually write out a physical list, I can make a mental note, buuuut, I have Fibro and usually forget things if I don't write them down.
The 50/50 Principle then instructs that for the next few days you monitor yourself. So for me, I would ask myself "how did performing those 6 tasks make me feel?" Did my pain increase, decrease, or remain the same? Did my energy/stamina increase, decrease, or remain the same? How did the activity level affect my other symptoms? If the activity caused a Fibro Flare or made me crash, then the next time I have a good day, instead of trying to perform 6 tasks, I would try to only complete 3 or 4. Then I would reassess myself again.
The line of thinking with the 50/50 Principle is that you are trying to achieve two goals. You are trying to determine the amount and type of activities that you can complete each good day without ...
using up all the energy/stamina you have that day, and,
increasing your pain, stiffness, fibro fog and other symptoms.
Dr. Collinge believes that if you can accomplish these two goals, you will be able to build up a reserve of good days or of energy/stamina and reduced pain/other symptoms. He advises that as you build up this reserve, you reassess and add more activities to your To Do list.
Oh, and your To Do list doesn't have to be tedious, boring, taxing CHORES. Your activities can, and should, include fun items.