I've found that working on my attitude has helped me cope with the constant and annoying symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
I started goal setting a long time ago and realized that if I set specific physical goals, like I'm going to lose 50 pounds and lower my base line of pain and fatigue by 50%, that I usually failed. Failure led to depression and increased symptom level, which led to more depression and greater pain and fatigue, which led to giving up on other goals. By setting the wrong goals for me, I was allowing Fibro to rob me of me.
Now I set attitudinal goals. I strive for peace of mind. Instead of saying, "I want to lose 50 pounds", I say, "I want to fit into my favorite pair of jeans without holding my breath". Instead of saying, "I want to be pain free", I say, "I want to be able to bake cookies with my grandchildren". By working on the way I view My So-Called Fibro Life, by controlling the type of Thoughts the come IN From The Fog, I'm ensuring that FM will not rob me of me.