I was feeling pretty good today. I planned weeks ago to chaperone my two granddaughters on their preschool trip to the Global Wildlife Center. I attended physical therapy religiously, took all prescribed medication as instructed, and rested up. I made sure I had big Fibro Bucks in my FM Checking Account.
The day started out a definite Green day. We rode around the center in tracker pulled wagons and got to feed the animals. We were instructed, "DO NOT feed the zebras. They get mean, will bite you, and may fight with other zebras and other animals trying to control all the food. Do Not throw food when the zebras are around."
Well, the little kiddies threw food to the zebras and yes, the zebras started fighting each other. When zebras fight, they KICK! So two zebras got into a fight on the other side of the wagon. They were kicking at each other. They kicked up mud and hit a father and a grandmother in the back of their heads and guess what. I got hit in the face with mud and I was sitting on the opposite, the far side, of the wagon. My granddaughters laughed all the way home about my zebra facial. At least I didn't have to pay extra for the facial.
No Fibro YaYas (or Divas) were hurt in the participation of this field trip.