When setting goals don't forget to ask yourself:
When can I actually achieve this whole goal?”
For me, my deadline is 06/11/2019. I’m giving myself 4 months to achieve my goal. That means I can break down my desired pain scale improvement into 4 increments. Currently, my pain and fatigue have been floating around 9 on a 10-point scale. I want to get them down to 5, that is a reduction of 4 points … 1 point a month.
So, I’ve identified my goal. I will reduce my pain and fatigue back down to my baseline of 5 by June 11. 2019. I will achieve this goal by implementing an action plan which will help me achieve health/fitness sub-goals of:
riding the NuStep for 10 minutes twice a week,
doing three sets of 15 reps with 10 pounds of weights on the abductor, adductor and leg extension machines twice a week,
doing 10 minutes on the Pilates machine twice a week,
When possible:
I will participate in a warm water aerobics class once a week,
I will get an hour massage once a month.
In part 4 while discussing whether or not my goal is achievable, I developed an action plan that calls for the achievement of incremental sub-goals. I said:
To achieve my first incremental goal of reducing my pain, fatigue and other symptoms from a level of 9/10 to 8 by March 21, 2019, I will have to work to build up the strength and stamina to;
ride the NuStep for 5 minutes,
do two sets of 5 reps with 5 pounds of weights on the abductor, adductor and leg extension machines,
do 5 minutes on the Pilates machine,
To achieve my second incremental goal of reducing my pain, fatigue, and other symptoms from a level of 8 to 7 by April 21, 2019, I will have to work to build up the strength and stamina to;
ride the NuStep for 5 minutes,
do two sets of 10 reps with 5 pounds of weights on the abductor, adductor and leg extension machines,
do 5 minutes on the Pilates machine,
To achieve my third incremental goal of reducing my pain, fatigue, and other symptoms from a level of 7 to a 6 by May 21, 2019, I will have to work to build up the strength and stamina to;
ride the NuStep for 10 minutes,
do two sets of 15 reps with 10 pounds of weights on the abductor, adductor and leg extension machines,
do 10 minutes on the Pilates machine,
To achieve my fourth incremental goal of reducing my pain, fatigue, and other symptoms from a level of 6 to a steady 5 by June 11, 2019, I will have to work to build up the strength and stamina to:
ride the NuStep for 10 minutes,
do two sets of 15 reps with 10 pounds of weights on the abductor, adductor and leg extension machines,
do 10 minutes on the Pilates machine,
on a continuing basis. Well, we have finally completed Step 1. Go back and read through the previous 5 posts and use my personal example to help guide you through identifying your own personal pain management/healthcare goals for 2019. I hope the previous posts on Step 1 and the future post on steps 2-7 are helpful as you strive to take back control of your Fibromyalgia.
Please Note: you don't have to try to work through all 7 steps in one day, week, or month. The CFS Empowerment Project, on which this series is based, ran for a series of six weeks. Participants attended group sessions twice a week and spoke to their facilitators over the phone at least once a week. Work at your own pace. Make this YOUR journey to finding YOUR pain management goals.
Is for Time-limited
So, what is my goal and does it have time frames and deadline?
My pain management goal is to reduce my pain, fatigue, and other symptoms from a severity level of 9/10 to my baseline of 5 by June 11, 2019. I have set sub-goals (or action steps) of being able to perform certain physical therapy exercises at least twice a week. I’ve even broken down the number of reps and sets and pounds of weights if applicable for each exercise. So, yes my goal is time limited.
7 Steps to achieving your Fibromyalgia/pain management goals
Step 1: Identify your health/pain management goals
I have identified my personal pain management goal and sub-goals/action steps.
My pain management goal is: I will reduce my pain and fatigue levels from 9/10 to a baseline of 5. My pain management sub goals/action steps are I will:
ride the NuStep for 10 minutes twice a week,
do three sets of 15 reps with 10 pounds of weights on the abductor, adductor and leg extension machines twice a week,
do 10 minutes on the Pilates machine twice a week.
within a period of four months.