As I sat contemplating what does “take back my health and Fibro" mean, and, how to do it, I
remembered my volunteer activities as a coach in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) empowerment project with Dr. Rene Taylor of UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago Circle) and Access Living Center for Independent Living in Chicago.
As we helped participants with CFS and Fibromyalgia learn coping strategies we spent a lot of time teaching them to set realistic health goals. I learned that there are 7 basic steps to setting realistic, achievable goals.
These steps are:
Step 1: Identify your health/pain management goals
Step 2: List all your symptoms
Step 3: Determine your baseline
Step 4: List all treatment options you have tried or are currently trying
Step 5: Identify what treatment options reduce or alleviate your symptoms
Step 6: Identify what aggravates your symptoms
Step 7: Figure out your monthly milestones
Step 1: Identify your health/pain management goals
The secret to setting achievable goals is to make SMART goals.
S -specific,
R-realistic, and
Trent Hamm of The Simple Dollar writes, “a SMART goal addresses the five “W” questions.
is for Specific
What? What exactly is it that you want to accomplish? What is your goal boiled down to five words or less? My goal is to … get my pain and fatigue back to my baseline of 5. I know this is more than 5 words, but it is on point. What does the above-stated goal mean? When referring to symptom "baseline", what I mean is the level of symptom severity at which I can function or perform the simplest of activities of daily living. What I mean is the level of symptom severity at which I can drive my car, get dressed, walk a few feet like needed to go grocery shopping, or write this blog. Why? You have a goal. Why do you want to achieve it? I want to be able to do the things I want to do when I want to do them. I want to feel less pain and to feel more energy. Where? Where will you be working on this goal? I will be working on this goal from home [Pilates machine, diet/nutrition, medication: OTC and prescription], and at the local medical Fitness Center/physical therapy center. Who? What other people are involved in your goal? Who do you need to work with to make it happen? I need my functional restoration (FR) physician, my chronic pain specialist, my rheumatologist, my neurologist, my gastroenterologist, and, any other doctors or healthcare providers to whom I may be referred. Which? Does your goal have any additional constraints? I must learn which activities and situations make my pain worse so I can avoid them, and, which activities and situations make my pain better so that I can engage in them more.
When? Is there a specific time of day, a specific day of the week that I will be engaging in action steps to move towards my goal of getting back to my baseline of pain, fatigue and other symptoms?
I will attend physical therapy 2 days a week at the medical fitness/physical therapy center. I will perform the physical therapy exercises on my own 2 days a week at the medical fitness/physical therapy center. Getting out the house will make me more accountable and ensure that I perform the exercises as prescribed. I will perform the stretching exercises as prescribed 2 days a week on the pilates machine at home.
So how specific is my goal?
I want to get my pain, fatigue and other Fibromyalgia symptoms back to my baseline of 5. I Think that is pretty specific!